Con enorme pesar, informamos a todos nuestros alumnos y sus familias que Iain falleció repentinamente la semana pasada.
Muchos le recordarán como una figura fija del equipo de Rainbow durante 10 exitosos años. Se ganó un lugar en los corazones de muchos de sus alumnos, y desde luego el respeto de todos.
Se jubiló en 2019, describiendo su tiempo aquí como quizás los 10 años más felices de su vida. Era un tipo distinguido e inconfundible en su sombrero y traje, y en ocasiones hasta vestido con kilt. De hecho algunos supusieron que sería él el jefe, ya que parecía más formal que el Sr. Taylor.
Dejó una huella imborrable tanto en la academia como en sus alumnos, muchos de los cuales pidieron sus consejos sobre asuntos diversos. Hemos comunicado el pesar y tristeza de toda la Familia Rainbow (como él lo describió) a su hijo Dougie y su pareja Tracey.
In Memoriam Iain Douglas Kemp
With great sadness, we would like to inform all of our students and their families that Iain passed away suddenly and unexpectedly last week. Many of you will remember him as a stalwart of the Rainbow English Academy team for 10 very successful years. He earned a place in the hearts of many students, as well as the respect of all. He retired from the academy in 2019, describing his time here as maybe the happiest 10 years of his life. Unmistakable in his suit and hat, and occasionally even in his kilt, he was taken by several to be «The Boss», as he seemed more formal than Mr Taylor. He most certainly made his mark on both the academy and his students, who would often seek out his advice on different matters. We have passed on the commiserations of the whole Rainbow Family (as he described it) to his son Dougie and his partner Tracey.